Is Return to Babylon a haunted movie... or a case of failed viral marketing? YOU DECIDE

So apparently there’s this movie and the film itself is haunted and oooo scary yeah right. In a nutshell: independent filmmaker Alex Monty Canawati finds some unused 16mm black and white film on the pavement of Hollywood Boulevard(!). He thinks it would be fun to use it to make a movie set in the 1920s and, using a vintage hand-cranked camera, makes Return To Babylon , a film about the scandals involving some of Hollywood’s biggest stars of the time. And then the weirdness starts. Cast and crew claim they sensed something was off during filming. Actresses Jennifer Tilly , Maria Conchita Alonso and Debi Mazar said the set had an otherworldly feel and that they felt unseen hands grab them during filming (and no, Harvey Weinstein wasn’t involved in the production). As the film was being edited, Canawati says he and his editor began seeing things that really, really shouldn’t have been there. Things like actors’ features morphing into hideous demonic visages...