Yeah, it's back.

Sorry about that.

Anyway, the original PlanetMut domain expired two years ago and is now apparently a Malaysian gambling site or something, so my advice is don't go there.

I managed to backup the 10 years' worth of posts on the original PlanetMut to my hard drive, but I have no idea what to do about getting them back so whatevs. I'll give it another go and I'll be adding some of the same stuff back (the Mexican advent calendar springs to mind) as soon as I can work out how to, well, work it out, let alone actually actually be arsed to do it.

So, as you can see, PlanetMut II: The Planeting is on a free blogging site. There's a few reasons for this, but to be brief:

1. I can't be arsed shelling out on another domain name and hosting. I work in community newspapers, do you think I have money?

2. The old PlanetMut was on WordPress, which I loved, but I wanted something a tad simpler because laziness.

3. Speaking of laziness, I cannot stand the thought of writing another CSS file.

4. See 1.

There's still a few things I have to sort out with this new blog, such as the colours and header image. The layout is a free template and I like it but don't be surprised if it changes as I'm going to play around with different layouts. And I haven't sussed out how the formatting system on Blogger works - for example, the text you're currently reading is supposed to be a sans font called Roboto but for some reason it's in Georgia even though I absolutely definitely selected Roboto. If anyone knows how I screwed this up, feel free to let me know.

By the way, the photo of Cadbury at the top of the page is totally gratuitous and absolutely adorable.

That's it for now. No doubt I'll be back with an ill-informed rant about something or other, or about a million photos of Cadbury.


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