Taste Test: Curry Cup Noodles
A-Lo bought me one of these as a surprise on the grounds that I’d “probably” like it as I’m British and “you guys have those Pot Noodle things and this is just like it only Japanese”. That’s a bit like saying an Old El Paso quesadilla kit is up there with the local taco place, but I’m willing to give it a go in the name of food.

Unidentifiable bits of freeze-dried processed things covered in sand? Check. I think we could be on to a winner here.
PROTIP #1: Microwaves are for losers. PROTIP #2: Always check the instructions after you’ve added the boiling water. PROTIP #3: The fact you threw the lid in the bin is of absolutely no importance. Just use a random bit of paper.

This is what the primordial soup must have looked like, only with less green bits.

Three minutes later and it’s ready to eat.

All finished. So is it up there with Pot Noodle’s finest? Not quite — the Pot Noodle has a better curry taste — but apart from that it’s pretty much indistinguishable. That isn’t to say it’s crap, far from it, but as far as noodles in pots with artificial flavouring are concerned, it’s up there with the OKest of them.
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