The jubremony at the library

I love errors in newspapers. Not my own, obviously — not that I ever make any, in case my editor reads this — but ones that appear in other newspapers. But the error has to be spectacular. It has to be one of those “how the hell did this make it into print?” cock-ups that have to leave even newspaper production people like myself baffled at to what exactly went wrong in a process that involves multiple people — writers, editors, copy-editors, designers, proofreaders* — that allowed a screaming error to make it all the way into print. Typos don’t always count. This error by the BBC, for example, is mortifying but not exactly inexplicable: It’s also easily corrected and unless someone has the foresight to screengrab it and stick it online, it’s possible to get away with only a few people seeing it. And by “a few” I mean “probably several thousand”. The best typos are those that result in the entire sense of the story being changed, which leads m...